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国际贸易专业男女比例 2020-08-26 05:18:03
宁波外贸网站制作 2020-09-01 16:26:57
德驿全球购 2020-08-26 04:14:27


发布时间: 2023-06-12 03:24:59






1. Please draw on us for the amount of your invoice and attache the documents listed below to your draft.
2. We propose to pay by D/A at 30 d/s.
3. We agree to accept the goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60 d/s from the date of despatch of each shipment.
4. Payment is to be made agains sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable L/C for the full invoice amount.
5. As the goods undre S / C No. 3456 have been ready for quite some time, please open your L /C without delay.
6. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L ? C as early as possible so as to enable us to effect shipment in e time.
7. It is our custom to accept orders against confirmed irrevocable letters of credit, valid for at least 21 days beyond the prescribed date fo shipment.
8. It is invariably our policy to execute orders against a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit. For the sake of helping you in promoting sales, we are now giveing you a special accommodation by granting the terms of D / P. You are resquested to effec immediate payment on the presentation of our draft.
9. We have opened an L /C in your favour through the Bank of China for an amount of $ 17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No. 743.
10. For the short amount of your L / C No. 90683 opened through the Standard Charactered Bank, we shall not ask you to increase the amount but will draw a clean draft on you for that amount.
11. Considering the small amount involved, we are prepared, as an exception, to accept payment by D / P at sight for the value of your first trial order.
12. For this sample shipment, we will draw on you at 30 days sight but this cannot be taken as a precedent for future shipment.
13. We regret being unable to consider your request for payment on D / A basis, the reason being that we generally accept payment by L /C at sight. Taking into consideration the good relations between us, we are prepared to accept payment for this order by D / P at sight.
14. If the amount of each transaction is below US $ 500 or its equivalent at the conversion rate then prevailing, we agree to D / A 30 days term.
15. Regarding terms of payment, we should like to advis you that payment by collection is acceptable. However, 80% are to be paid against teh presentation of the shipping documents while the remaining 20% are to be paid on presentation of the Acceptance Report signed by the Sellers' engineer and the ensers' representative at the installation site.


一般外贸信函具有七个基本组成部分:信头、日期、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾敬语和落款签字。当然可能还有其他部分如:事由标题、附件和抄送等 。

1、信头、日期和信内地址通常, 信头位于信函上方的中间或者左边, 包含发信人公司的名称、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址等信息。日期则位于信头下一行或两行, 靠左, 英美两国日期排列顺序不同, 英国的顺序是日、月、年。信内地址是收信人的联系方式, 在日期下至少两行 。

2、称呼称呼位于信内地址下两行, 有不同的形式, 根据发信人和收信人之间的关系选择不同的称呼形式 。

3、正文外贸函电的正文一般包括三部分:开始, 正文和结尾 。在开始部分说明写信目的, 如之前有过通信, 还会提及之前相关信函 。实际信息部分阐明写信的具体目的、要求或希望 。结尾则表达美好愿望或感谢之情 。


一、商务信函常用语 1感谢 Thank you for your interest in … Thank you for your cooperation of … 2歉意 We apologize that our proct did not meet your requirement … We apologize for the inconvenience we brought to you We apologize for delaying … We are awfully sorry for … 3要求 We need the details of your requirements on … of the proct Could you please send/offer/tell/give us … 4建议 We advise you to … We suggest that … If I were you, I’d like to … 5希望 We sincerely hope that … We wish you to … 6得知 We are pleased/happy/sorry to learn that … 7告知 we are pleased/happy/sorry to inform/tell you … We have the honor to inform you that … 8计划 We are planning to … We will arrange the shipment … We are considering … 9试探询问 I wonder whether you could ... Could you be kind enough to tell us …? 10商讨 What about … Is it appropriate/proper/suitable for us to /that … 11意外 Unfortunately … /Unexpectedly … /To our surprise … 12抚慰 Hope such kind of incidence won’t happen in the future 13保证 We can ensure the proct/shipment … 14做出承诺 We promise that the proct/shipment … We assure you of our best services at all times. 15要求承诺 Please make sure … 16表达意愿 I’d like to … We are willing to … We decide to … We may/could/shall … 17表达能力 We can/could/may supply/wait … 18提起话头 Generally speaking … /Specifically speaking … Honestly speaking … /Frankly speaking … 19随信附上 We are inclosing a of … The attached is/are …, please check it/them. 二、常用的描述性语句 1信件 Unfortunately, our last e-mail did not reach you, and hope this one will reach you smoothly. 2产品 popular /advantage /good quality /details /specification /first-grade一等品/ 3库存 available /not available /in stock /in shortage 4 运输时间 before the deadline /on time /delay 4.1 I don't think we can meet the delivery date you required. (我想我们无法满足贵方提出的交货日期。) 4.2 Could you extend the delivery period by a week (5 days) or so? That would make things much easier for us.(贵方不能将交货期再延长......吗?那会让我们好办得多。) 4.3 I think we could put off the date by a week (5 days) or so. But I'd have to check before I can give you a firm promise.(我想我们可以将日期推迟...左右。但我要核查后才能给你一个确切的答复。) 5讨价还价 5.1 We're sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we're still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to an acceptable level. 5.2 Could you give us some discount since it is a large order. 5.3 We will give you a discount of 5% if your order valued over … 5.4 We will give you a discount of 5% if you order on a regular basis. 5.5 Compared with the international market, our price is very reasonable. 5.6 To some extent, our price depends on how large your order is. 6价格 acceptable /unacceptable price competitive有竞争力的 /reasonable合理的 /rock-bottom最低的 price special /favorable price cost /market /wholesale /retail price 三、客户信函种类 1 有希望达成或正在进行订单的 Thank you for your interest in … 2 不知能否达成订单的 Please allow us draw you attention to our procts, e to their high quality and competitive price. We are looking forward to your earliest reply. Sincerely hope we can establish friendly long-term trading relationship from now on. 3 无法达成订单的 We are sorry that the proct is not available at present. We are sorry that we can’t supply the proct on time. Hope we can supply you other procts in the future. 四、供货商的回函 1产品种类 Could you supply us the proct of …? 2数量 We need … 3价格 Could you give us some discount of the batch of …? Can you tell me the lowest price you can offer? While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t rece our price any further. 4运输 We hope you can supply the proct on time. 5致谢 We are very grateful for your support/cooperation.