随着我国社会的不断进步以及政治、经济、科学技术等方面的发展,对具有独立个性的复合型人才的需求也随之增长。英语教学在中国大学 教育 领域已经占据着主导地位20多年。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于英语专业 毕业 论文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!
英语专业毕业论文篇1浅议 商务英语 的译翻译技巧
[摘 要] 随着国际贸易和国际营销等跨国商务运作的日益频繁,商务英语翻译作为一种交流手段和媒介起着至关重要的作用。同时商务英语是一门具有专门用途的英语,形成了自身的文体特征,它要求选词恰当、精确,具有用语礼貌、表意清晰。因此商务英语翻译必须具有一定的翻译技巧,才能在商务交流中体现它的实用效果。
第二,英语语言能力要强。全面的语法知识和大量的词汇量缺一不可。如果只有大量的词汇量,而没有较好的英语语法知识。翻译过程中译者的理解肯定是错误百出,而且牛头不对马嘴。因此我们要提高在英汉翻译中对于英文 句子 理搏枣解的准确性及汉英翻译中英文表达的准确性。
第三,知识面要广。Www.11665.CoM商务英语翻译中要很好的做到这一点,就要掌握商务理论和贸易实务等理论知识及贸易实践 经验 。同时译者还要具有丰富的 网络 知识,对天文地理、古今中外不说通晓,也要了解其中的一些基本知识。没有一定的常识,译者的语言水平即使再高,也是无法做好弊余翻译工作的。
1.they cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。
2.they have opened the covering credit with the bank of china,london.
以上两个句子credit 词义都有所区别。
1.名词与动词的互相转译, 如:
before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods will bein the custody of the customs.
交关税前, 进口货物由海关保管。( 由于语法限制, 只有用名词形式,但译成汉语时,“payment”译作“交”)
2 . 介词与动词的互相转译
在许多场合下, 介租银滚词转译成动词时, 需要依据上下文进行引申,具体地进行翻译。如:
we should advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements.
建议你方与他们取得联系, 洽购所需商品。
the arrivals do not conform to the sample.
根据具体上下文,可增加动词、形容词、名词或别词类,但在什么时候增加什么样词,才能恰到好处,而不超出一定界限,则需要在长期的翻译过程中实践和积累。如:all cash bonus shall be subject to income tax.所有现金红利,均须缴纳所得税。(根据汉语行文习惯,增加动词)
减词译法可以使译文言简意赅,改变翻译中逐字翻译作造成的累赘、拖沓或不符合行文习惯,甚至产生歧义的现象。 如:on condition that you sign this receipt, i will pay the money.
你在 收据 上签字,我就付款。
如价格常用术语fob,cif 有其特定的专业内容,又如c.w.o定货付款;b/l 提货单;l/c 信用证;c.o.d 货到付现;w.p.a 水渍险;blue chip 蓝筹股、绩优股;bad debt 呆账,等等。总之,商务英语翻译不能拘泥于形式,在保证原文的信息量最大限度地传递到译文中的前提下,翻译者可以灵活运用译入语,已达到语义信息、风格信息和文体信息的最大程度的对等,同时商务英语翻译要遵循商务专业用语。所以要求商务英语翻译工作者要掌握大量的专业词汇及翻译技巧。
[1]葛 平: 外贸英语 函电[m].上海 财经 大学出版社,2004
[3]李 平:国际经贸英语教程[m].中国国际广播出版社,1999
[5]陈苏东 陈建平:商务英语翻译[m].高等教育出版社,2005
[7]曾蕙兰:进出口 实用英语 [m].外文出版社,2003
摘要: 撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中清楚原则是最基本的原则之一, 但国内以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究尚不多见。本文针对清楚原则的运用, 分别从词语与句子等方面进行了论述。 文章 认为: 商务英语函电应尽量使用简单词语, 并注意代词的指代; 句子表达要求重点突出, 而且要有一定的连贯性。
商务英语函电是国际贸易的重要沟通工具。撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中, 清楚原则是七个原则中最基本的原则之一。在现有的商务英语函电研究成果中, 以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究较少看到。为此, 笔者拟探讨清楚原则在商务英语函电中的运用, 以帮助国际商务人士提高商务英语函电写作水平。
清楚原则包含三方面: ( 1) 一个句子包含一个意思; ( 2) 句子之间应有逻辑关系; ( 3) 以简单、直接的 方法 表达。[1]清楚的表达, 能避免误会, 甚至贸易纠纷。比如说, “fluctuation in theexchange rate after the date of contract signing will be for the buyer’saccount.”[1] “fluctuation in the exchange rate”包括了汇率的上涨和跌落两种情况。如果不表达清楚, 买卖双方就会对汇率的涨落产生纠纷。Www.11665.COM避免不必要的经济纠纷, 商务英语函电撰写的过程中要始终贯彻清楚的原则。上述例子若想表达“合同生效后汇率的波动由买方承担”, 原句子可改为“any increase ordecrease in the exchange rate after the date of contract signing willbe for the buyer’s account.”
( 1) 词语的运用
当你明确了要表达的想法时, 要注意选用清晰、简单的词语, 准确无误地表达你要传达的信息。避免用一些复杂、深奥的词汇。有些写信人认为复杂、深奥的词汇会让信件看起来更有水平, 更重要些。然而, 复杂的词汇会增加对方读信的难度,甚至引起理解上的误会。通常, 商务英语函电的撰写适合采用简单易懂的词汇。
2) 代词的指代
注意代词指代的对象和关系代词前后的逻辑关系。一般来说, 代词和关系代词用以修饰离它们最近的名词, 并且与所指代的名词保持人称上和数量上的一致。但代词的不恰当运用, 会引起表达上的歧义。试看以下的句子: they informedmessrs. smith and richardson that they would receive an answerin a fewdays.[1]在这个句子中, 第二个“they”指代谁呢? 是整个句子的主语“they”还是“messrs. smith and richardson”呢? 这里就产生了歧义。如何清楚地表达? 比如原意想表达“smith和richardson两位先生将在近期内得到答复”, 原句子可改为:“they informed messrs . smith and richardson that the latterwould receive an answer in a fewdays.”这样的话, “the latter”指代“messrs. smith and richardson”, 指代清楚, 句子意思明确。
3) 修饰词的位置
同一修饰词在句子的不同位置, 句子意思和侧重点将完全不同。试比较以下两个句子: ①we can supply 100 tons of theitemonly. ②we can supply only 100 tons of the item.在第一个句子中, “only”修饰“the item”, 意思是只提供这种项目, 没有 其它 的项目。而在第二个句子中, “only”是修饰“100 tons”, 意思是只提供100吨, 没有更多了。故修饰词在句子中的位置不同,其所修饰的词就不同, 意思也将有所不同, 书写商务英语函电时一定要注意这一点。
此外, 修饰词的位置应该是紧跟着或者靠近它所修饰的词语。试比较以下两个句子: ①they bought a bicycle in a smallshop in beijing which costs $ 25.00. ②they bought a bicycle for$25.00 in a small shop in beijing. “$25.00”是修饰“bicycle”, 说明这一辆自行车的价格, 应该靠近它所修饰的词语“bicycle”。第一个句子“which costs $ 25.00”应移到“bicycle”后面。第二个句子不用定语从句, 直接用介词“for” 带出自行车的价格“$25.00”, 修饰词位置正确, 整个句子简洁、清楚易懂。
( 2) 句子的逻辑结构
分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语要保持一致。[4]试分析以下句子: “being an expertin international trade, i’m sure youhave experience of solving this kind of problem.”在这个句子中,句子的主语是“i”, 而分词的逻辑主语是“you”。为保持分词的逻辑主语与句子主语一致, 原句子可改为: “being an expert ininternational trade, you certainly have experience of solving thiskind of problem.” 或者“as you are an expert in internationaltrade, i’m sure you have experience of solving this kind of problem.”。
其次, 注意句子间意思的连贯性。例如: they wrote a letter.it was addressed to mr. woods. he is the sales manager.这三个短句缺乏意思上的连贯性, 每个句子都有它独立的意思,读信人很难区分哪个句子是最重要的信息。上述句子可改为: “they wrote a letter to mr. woods, the sales manager.”改写后的句子意思清楚明确: “他们给销售部经理woods先生写了一封信。”
此外, 清楚的表达要求重点突出, 读信人不会遗漏重要的信息。我们书写商务英语函电时可以通过调整句子结构, 突出要强调的部分。比如: “we sent you 5 samples yesterday of thegoods which you requested in your letter ofmay 25 by air.”该句子包括了很多信息, 有①we sent you, ②5 samples, ③yesterday, ④the goods which you requested in your letter ofmay 25, ⑤by air。一个句子包含多种信息, 读信人很容易忽略其中某些信息。对此, 重要的信息应放在句子的前面, 通过句子结构加以强调。上述句子重要的信息有①we sent you, ②5 samples, ⑤by air。原句子可改写为: “we sent you, by air, 5 samples of goods whichyou requested in your letter ofmay 25 yesterday.”经过改写的句子重点突出, 句子意思更清晰明确。
最后, 句子中简洁的情节有利于清楚的表达。如“we haveyour check of october 17 in the amount of $500, and wish at thistime to thank you for it.”原句子是表达“我方收到贵方10月17日开具的500美元支票一张, 特此感谢。”“特此感谢”原句子用“wish at this time to thank you for it”, 用词繁琐, 使得整个句子意思不明确。如果这一个情节简化为“thank you”, 原句子改为“thank you for your check of october 17 for $500.”修改后的句子意思更清楚易懂。
本文针对清楚原则在商务英语函电写作中的运用, 分别从词语与句子进行了论述, 得出以下主要结论: (1) 尽量使用简单词语, 并注意代词的指代; (2) 句子表达要求重点突出, 而且要有一定的连贯性。
[ 1] 胡鉴明.商务 英语写作 [m] .广州: 华南理工大学出版社, 2001: 4.
[ 2] sue kay.实用商务英语写作[m] .北京: 北京理工大学出版社, 2003: 63.
[ 3] 王晓英.商务英语写作教程[m] .南京: 东南大学出版社, 2001: 4.
[ 4] 廖瑛.实用外贸英语函电( 第二版) [m] .武汉: 华中科技大学出版社, 2003: 8.
摘要: 撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中清楚原则是最基本的原则之一, 但国内以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究尚不多见。本文针对清楚原则的运用, 分别从词语与句子等方面进行了论述。文章认为: 商务英语函电应尽量使用简单词语, 并注意代词的指代; 句子表达要求重点突出, 而且要有一定的连贯性。
商务英语函电是国际贸易的重要沟通工具。撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中, 清楚原则是七个原则中最基本的原则之一。在现有的商务英语函电研究成果中, 以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究较少看到。为此, 笔者拟探讨清楚原则在商务英语函电中的运用, 以帮助国际商务人士提高商务英语函电写作水平。
清楚原则包含三方面: ( 1) 一个句子包含一个意思; ( 2) 句子之间应有逻辑关系; ( 3) 以简单、直接的方法表达。[1]清楚的表达, 能避免误会, 甚至贸易纠纷。比如说, “fluctuation in theexchange rate after the date of contract signing will be for the buyer’saccount.”[1] “fluctuation in the exchange rate”包括了汇率的上涨和跌落两种情况。如果不表达清楚, 买卖双方就会对汇率的涨落产生纠纷。Www.11665.COM避免不必要的经济纠纷, 商务英语函电撰写的过程中要始终贯彻清楚的原则。上述例子若想表达“合同生效后汇率的波动由买方承担”, 原句子可改为“any increase ordecrease in the exchange rate after the date of contract signing willbe for the buyer’s account.”
( 1) 词语的运用
当你明确了要表达的想法时, 要注意选用清晰、简单的词语, 准确无误地表达你要传达的信息。避免用一些复杂、深奥的词汇。有些写信人认为复杂、深奥的词汇会让信件看起来更有水平, 更重要些。然而, 复杂的词汇会增加对方读信的难度,甚至引起理解上的误会。通常, 商务英语函电的撰写适合采用简单易懂的词汇。
2) 代词的指代
注意代词指代的对象和关系代词前后的逻辑关系。一般来说, 代词和关系代词用以修饰离它们最近的名词, 并且与所指代的名词保持人称上和数量上的一致。但代词的不恰当运用, 会引起表达上的歧义。试看以下的句子: they informedmessrs. smith and richardson that they would receive an answerin a fewdays.[1]在这个句子中, 第二个“they”指代谁呢? 是整个句子的主语“they”还是“messrs. smith and richardson”呢? 这里就产生了歧义。如何清楚地表达? 比如原意想表达“smith和richardson两位先生将在近期内得到答复”, 原句子可改为:“they informed messrs . smith and richardson that the latterwould receive an answer in a fewdays.”这样的话, “the latter”指代“messrs. smith and richardson”, 指代清楚, 句子意思明确。
3) 修饰词的位置
同一修饰词在句子的不同位置, 句子意思和侧重点将完全不同。试比较以下两个句子: ①we can supply 100 tons of theitemonly. ②we can supply only 100 tons of the item.在第一个句子中, “only”修饰“the item”, 意思是只提供这种项目, 没有其它的项目。而在第二个句子中, “only”是修饰“100 tons”, 意思是只提供100吨, 没有更多了。故修饰词在句子中的位置不同,其所修饰的词就不同, 意思也将有所不同, 书写商务英语函电时一定要注意这一点。
此外, 修饰词的位置应该是紧跟着或者靠近它所修饰的词语。试比较以下两个句子: ①they bought a bicycle in a smallshop in beijing which costs $ 25.00. ②they bought a bicycle for$25.00 in a small shop in beijing. “$25.00”是修饰“bicycle”, 说明这一辆自行车的价格, 应该靠近它所修饰的词语“bicycle”。第一个句子“which costs $ 25.00”应移到“bicycle”后面。第二个句子不用定语从句, 直接用介词“for” 带出自行车的价格“$25.00”, 修饰词位置正确, 整个句子简洁、清楚易懂。
( 2) 句子的逻辑结构
分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语要保持一致。[4]试分析以下句子: “being an expertin international trade, i’m sure youhave experience of solving this kind of problem.”在这个句子中,句子的主语是“i”, 而分词的逻辑主语是“you”。为保持分词的逻辑主语与句子主语一致, 原句子可改为: “being an expert ininternational trade, you certainly have experience of solving thiskind of problem.” 或者“as you are an expert in internationaltrade, i’m sure you have experience of solving this kind of problem.”。
其次, 注意句子间意思的连贯性。例如: they wrote a letter.it was addressed to mr. woods. he is the sales manager.这三个短句缺乏意思上的连贯性, 每个句子都有它独立的意思,读信人很难区分哪个句子是最重要的信息。上述句子可改为: “they wrote a letter to mr. woods, the sales manager.”改写后的句子意思清楚明确: “他们给销售部经理woods先生写了一封信。”
此外, 清楚的表达要求重点突出, 读信人不会遗漏重要的信息。我们书写商务英语函电时可以通过调整句子结构, 突出要强调的部分。比如: “we sent you 5 samples yesterday of thegoods which you requested in your letter ofmay 25 by air.”该句子包括了很多信息, 有①we sent you, ②5 samples, ③yesterday, ④the goods which you requested in your letter ofmay 25, ⑤by air。一个句子包含多种信息, 读信人很容易忽略其中某些信息。对此, 重要的信息应放在句子的前面, 通过句子结构加以强调。上述句子重要的信息有①we sent you, ②5 samples, ⑤by air。原句子可改写为: “we sent you, by air, 5 samples of goods whichyou requested in your letter ofmay 25 yesterday.”经过改写的句子重点突出, 句子意思更清晰明确。
最后, 句子中简洁的情节有利于清楚的表达。如“we haveyour check of october 17 in the amount of $500, and wish at thistime to thank you for it.”原句子是表达“我方收到贵方10月17日开具的500美元支票一张, 特此感谢。”“特此感谢”原句子用“wish at this time to thank you for it”, 用词繁琐, 使得整个句子意思不明确。如果这一个情节简化为“thank you”, 原句子改为“thank you for your check of october 17 for $500.”修改后的句子意思更清楚易懂。
本文针对清楚原则在商务英语函电写作中的运用, 分别从词语与句子进行了论述, 得出以下主要结论: (1) 尽量使用简单词语, 并注意代词的指代; (2) 句子表达要求重点突出, 而且要有一定的连贯性。
[ 1] 胡鉴明.商务英语写作[m] .广州: 华南理工大学出版社, 2001: 4.
[ 2] sue kay.实用商务英语写作[m] .北京: 北京理工大学出版社, 2003: 63.
[ 3] 王晓英.商务英语写作教程[m] .南京: 东南大学出版社, 2001: 4.
[ 4] 廖瑛.实用外贸英语函电( 第二版) [m] .武汉: 华中科技大学出版社, 2003: 8.
2、帮我翻译一下这段话 谢谢
Summary: This text after China joins WTO and among process of development of western regions, with foreign trade of countries all over the world being business frequent, the professional knowledge of international trade has already permeated through the daily commercial activity, the requirements for ability of English of the foreign trade activity will stimulate the further development of economic and trade English and popularize setting out. Have studied the role in commercial activity of English. Having proposed the progress with the society, the constant aggravation of the economic globalization, the trade contacts of the countries all over the world increases day by day, the general application of e-commerce in the foreign trade letters and cables, the information superhighway in the commercial activity, computer doing shopping, electronic currency and intelligent card,etc., make economic and trade English present a lot of new characteristics and new advantages. This text has carried on the discussion to these characteristics and advantages. Have defined the role in commercial activity of economic and trade English shows important economic and trade English and generates a quite important impact on economy and foreign trade business of our country.
研究现状:随着全球经济一体化进程的加速,商务英语信函在国际贸易发展中发挥着日益重要的作用。商务英语信函引起了越来越多的国内外学者关注和研究,其领域涉及翻译、词汇学、语义学及语用学。国内的,如:吴金凤的《商务英语信函的特点及翻译》;黄雪芳的《商务英语信函的词汇特征分析》;武瑞的《商务英语信函中的语用策略研究》。国外的,如:Josephine Baker的Correct Business Letter Writing and Business English;Beam Brilliance的New Business English;Leech,S.的Principles of Pragmatics等。
5 总结
6 参考文献
[1] Beam Brilliance.New Business English [M].Beijing: Tsinghua University Press,20xx
[2] Frank J.Effects of Positive Politeness Strategies in Business Letters [J].Journal of Pragmatics,20xx
[3] Fraster,B.Perspectives on Politeness [J].Journal of Pragmatics,20xx
[4] Goody.Questions and Politeness: strategies in social interaction [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,20xx
[5] Jef Versehueren.Understanding Pragmatics [M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,20xx
[6] Jiang Wangqi.Pragmatics: Theories and Applications [M].Beijing: Beijing University Press,20xx
[7] Jones L,Alexander R.International Business English [M].Oxford: Oxford University Press,20xx
[8] Lesikar,Raymond V.Business Communication [J].New York: Richard C.Irwin,Inc.,1999
[9] Pinto.Genre Analysis of Business Letters of Negotiation [J].English for Specific Purposes,20xx
[10] Scheraga,Mona.Practical English Writing Skills [J].Illinois NTC Publishing Group,20xx
Beyond Language: Cultural Predispositions in international Business Correspondence
Translation covers only part of the problem of working with people of other nations and cultures. Differences in cultural background may affect business correspondence between Americans and others, and International English may be evolving a cultural style of its own. In correspondence, business people from the low-context cultures of Northern Europe and North America sometimes inadvertently offend their counterparts in high-context cultures by assuming that their correspondents share their values. Such correspondence might be more effective if writers used a rhetorical framework to conceptualize in their letters a sense of their addressees' conditions and of their own roles in relation to their addressees. This dimension of relationship may be difficult for people from low-context cultures. However, because of the increasing use of English as a lingua franca of business, correspondence standards may be changing. Using the example of rhetorical patterns in English and Chinese business letters, I suggest a way to use Western rhetorical principles to accommodate other cultural patterns.
Business Correspondence includs:
Requesting Information
How to ask somebody to send you information.
Sending Information
What to say when you send information.
Resume or CV
A resume (AmE) or CV (BrE) is usually requested by a prospective employer as a record of your qualifications and professional experience. CV stands for the Latin words "curriculum vitae", meaning "the course of one's life".
Covering Letter for Resume/CV
It is usual to send a covering letter (BrE) or cover letter (AmE) with your resume/CV when applying for a job.
Letter of Reference
Companies and other organizations often ask for a letter of reference. This is a character reference written by someone such as an ex-employer who knows the subject personally.
Let's take the ever-more-common case of the American who wants to strike up business dealings with people of another language and culture. Box 3 reproces a letter to a delegation of Chinese who had visited the United States. They had expressed some interest in the procts of Mr. Jones's company, so he wrote them a letter, presumably hoping to sell some. However, as Boiarsky (1995) informs us, his letter drew no response.
Dear Sir:
Your name and address were referred to me by the Illinois Department of Agriculture--Far East Office. They stated that you had expressed an interest in our procts and requested further information.
I am therefore enclosing a brocuhre which itemizes our procts and services. Pleas let me know your exact requirements. I will be happy to provide you with further details. Thank you for your participation at the Illinois Slide and Catalog Show. I look forward to your reply.
Sincerely, Peter Jones
Director of Sales Agri-Equipment Division
The letter pretty much follows the cultural conventions of English letters: blunt and businesslike, highly purposive. To trace why this letter didn't work for the Chinese, I'd like to back up a bit and examine some characteristics of the rhetorical style of Americans and Northern Europeans that may be at cross purposes with those of Asian cultures.
Additional evidence that the letter represents "good writing" in the Chinese sense comes from a book just published by Li Xiao-ming, "Good Writing" in Cross-cultural Context. Li's interest is in seeing what is valued in the teaching of composition in the USA as compared to China. He quotes a Chinese teacher of writing:
Basically we think a piece of writing should have four components: introction, development, transition, and closure [qi3 cheng2 zhuan3 he2]. I think this basic format is still valid because they are in accord with the way we think . . . . We have three thousand years of writing history . . . Teachers have the responsibility to teach a student the successful writing experiences of our forefathers. (1996: 73-74)
Another Chinese teacher adds:
It is very unlikely that one would start a piece from a form; we all start from ideas or from experience in life. . . . Especially in a country like China that has a literary history of thousands of years, is arrogant to think that one can surpass his predecessors without first learning from them. (74)
Two characteristics that contribute to good writing are the qualities qing and li. As the second teacher describes them:
Qing has great persuasive powers. Li (reason) is inseparable from qing: qing is couched in li, and li is couched in qing. Li (reason) is different from li (rational). Being rational, one is emotionally controlled, somber, composed, exercising only intellectual and reasoning faculties. Reason, however, deals with truths. Truths, though existing in objectivity, are approached and learned only through subjectivity. Truths should be learned with passion and conviction. (55)
I wish that Li Xiao-ming had said more about the differences the writing systems make in the way writers conceive and express the world. It is exceedingly difficult to know which of the many Chinese characters that correspond roughly to the sound qing might be meant, and in Chinese, the character is less ambiguous than the spoken word. A Chinese-American friend pointed out to me that li has the sense of both "reasoning" and "decorum"; it seems similar to the ancient Greek nomos, often translated "law" but not meaning written or codified law--closer to "the right way of being or behaving that everybody knows," or perhaps to "common sense."
So given the difficulty of conveying the sense of the Chinese into English, I will nonetheless boldly suggest that the conception of reason couched in emotion marks a difference between Chinese and Western rhetorics. While li appears roughly analogous to logos, qing seems to represent the axis of relationship between ethos and pathos. That is, Chinese rhetoric does not appear to make that Western distinction between indivial and audience. Emotions are not yours or mine, but ours.
Emotion, though, is not usually expressed overtly. The indirect quality comes from jing. Quoting again the first teacher:
Traditionally, there are two ways to express one's qing: either directly express it, or indirectly through a description of nature. And because Chinese are mostly reserved and introverted in temperament, we prefer to "couch qing in jing," suggest what one feels through the description of nature. (87)
I think we can find some qing couched in jing in the first paragraph, though most of the letter is more direct.
Good Writing? For Whom?
The qualities of the letter that make it seem like "good writing" also seem to make it less effective for its readers, possibly because in was written in English and not Chinese, but also because the kind of writing Li studied was the personal essay. The letter to the Explosives Society does seem more like an essay than like the usual Western business letter.
The surprise for Bernick and me in our 1993 survey (Box 7) was that our Asian respondents didn't like the letter any better than the Westerners. Our Asian editors (six women and five men) also made a number of predictions about the author of the letter: he was well ecated, much older (probably at least in his 70's) and was from an upper-middle- or upper-class home. These comments were motivated by the excessive politeness. Our editors also felt that if the letter had been translated directly into Japanese that it would have been more acceptable than it was in English, but that translation wouldn't make it more effective or less confusing.
Asian editors’ reactions
Writer's goals were unclear.
Doesn't really read like a letter.
Three unnecessary paragraphs.
Needs to be shorter.
Inappropriate way for authors to develop ethos.
Style would be more appropriate in Japanese, or even Chinese, but for English it is clearly inappropriate.
Length detracts from letter, and makes it ineffective and confusing.
For business-letter writers in low-context cultures writing in English to readers in high-context cultures (Latin or Asian), this advice may be as simple as remembering that their cultures predispose readers to be more interested in long-term relations with reliable people than in procts or profits for their own sake. Hence, letters begin with paragraphs that establish common ground and show understanding of the readers. This strategy, in my own experience, works pretty well even on readers in low-context cultures.
Brockmann, R. John. 1989. A Historical Consideration of Ethics and the Technical Writer: From the 1880's to the 1980's. Technical Communication and Ethics, ed. R. John Brockmann and Fern Rook. Arlington, VA: Society for Technical Communication. 107-112.
Campbell, Charles P., and Philip Bernick. 1993. Editors, "Good English," and International Readers. IPCC 93 Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. 38-43.
Campbell, Charles P. 1995. Ethos: Character and Ethics in Technical Writing. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 38, 3: 132-138.
Coney, Mary B. 1992. "Technical Readers and their Rhetorical Roles." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 35 (June):58-63.
Dennett, Joann Temple. 1988. "Not to Say is Better Than to Say": How Rhetorical Structure Reflects Cultural Context in Japanese-English Technical Writing. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 31: 116-9.
Hall, Edward T. 1983. The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time. New York: Doubleday.
Hofstede, Geert H. 1991. Cultures and organizations : software of the mind. New York : McGraw-Hill.
来源:中国论文下载中心 [ 08-12-06 14:49:00 ] 作者:邹黎 杨渊 周晔 编辑:studa20
[摘要] 中国加入WTO之后,外贸英语信函作为一种特殊文体,在我国对外贸易的发展中成为了我国与世界接轨的必要桥梁。本文旨在结合英语语言学,通过分析外贸英语信函翻译的典型例子,重点介绍外贸英语信函的翻译技巧。
[关键词] 外贸英语信函翻译技巧专业词汇缩略语
1.专业词汇:外贸英语信函中对专业词汇的翻译务必精确、符合经贸专业要求。外贸英语中的价格术语意义固定:有的是单独的词,inquiry(询盘)和offer(报盘);有的是则是由几个词构成,to draw on somebody (向某方开出汇票)。这些专业词汇的翻译稍微有差错就会给企业造成负面的影响甚至巨大的损失,如曾有则报道说,某译者错将“不锈钢”译为“炭素钢”,这两字之差就给企业造成近20万元损失。
值得注意的是,有些外贸英语专业词汇与其本意大相径庭。Document本意为“文件”,而在外贸英语中则为“单据”,如An L/C normally specifies the documents that are required by the buyer and the date by which the goods in question must be shipped。(信用证上,通常规定了买方所需的单据,以及有关货物的运货日期。)
2.歧义词:英语中常常会出现一个词汇有多重意义,而这几个意义恰好又是对立的。因此在外贸英语信函的书写或翻译中,应避免使用歧义词。面对这类词汇应及时发现,并立刻和对方取得联系,以便及时纠正,以免使缔约双方发生分歧,为日后贸易带来后患。如in a week 可指在within a week(一周内),又可以指after a week(在一周后),这就必须要与对方商榷,及时换上表义明确的词。
(2)用汉语的缩略语译 如:U FO飞碟;UNESCO联合国教科文组织;V. F视频;XL特大。
(3)部分译,部分不译如:DNA fingerprintingDNA鉴别术;FOB ShanghaiFOB上海价。
(4)还原成原文意译 如:Economists placed greater trust in the CPI report, contending that the surge in the wholesale index was merely a fluke。(经济学家对消费者物价指数比较信任,认为批发物价指数的飊涨只是偶发现象。)( CPT =consumer price index:消费者物价指数)。
(5)外来语译法与以上方法差不多,以意译为多。如:EP(单方面)—ex parte(拉丁语);E/ R(在途中)-en route(法语)。
5.套用格式化语言或句型对应翻译法:以签署文件、合同等为目的的外贸英语信函,多套用已有格式。在翻译的时候,应用相应的中文格式,用程式化语言翻译即可。它的特点主要表现在一些套用、固定搭配及句式结构的应用中。译者可相应地采取“套用句型对应方法”来翻译。在此类商业信函中,对方一般也会采取正规书面语,风格繁冗。尤其是为了增加严肃、正式的意味,他们常常会选用带法律、语言保守倾向的古体词。常见的有以”here; there; where”为词根的词,如:herein; hereof; herewith; hereby; thereby; therefore; whereas; whereby等。翻译的时候不一定要字字对应,可以在其他地方以词汇手段予以补偿,用相对比较古雅的词汇将原文的文体风格反映出来即可。
6.整体格式差异:整体格式差异主要体现在英文与中文信函中。众所周知,英文日期常写于右上方,而中文日期常写于右下方。英文称呼使用复数Sirs/Gentlemen ,而在中文中,则体现为统称形式的整体单数。虽然,按照国际贸易惯例,外贸电函英译汉时,可保留英文外贸函电的格式,也可套用中文外贸函电的格式。但是,根据惯例,建议使用中文格式,以取得整体美感。
针对外贸英语信函所带有的书面语体的语言结构特点,译者在翻译时,应该选择相应的书面语。在中文外贸信函中,使用的是介于文言文与口语之间的半文言文体与之相对应。如Sincerely yours汉译为“谨上”即可。而针对港台地区保留大量古语的特点,译者在翻译时,还应该把开头的“先生”之类词婉译为“敬启者”。在传统英语贸易辞令中,大量套语,更应该恰当增减。如:We are pleased to…;We have pleasure in…;We acknowledge with thanks…这些套语,产生了诸如We are looking forward with interest to your reply.等句式,这里若直译为“我们带着极大的兴趣盼望您的答复。”显然,这种翻译拖沓而且生硬,只要稍微套用一下格式,采取婉译方式,译为“盼复”,则简洁明了。类似的情况还有:Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated。(直译为“贵方的快速回复将使我们不胜感激”;婉译为“即复为谢”)