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国际贸易专业男女比例 2020-08-26 05:18:03
宁波外贸网站制作 2020-09-01 16:26:57
德驿全球购 2020-08-26 04:14:27


发布时间: 2020-12-08 21:10:59


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www.infoside.dk, www.fi , www.evreka.com/fi/, haku.net/webinfo,
www.abondance.com, fr.excite.com, www.ecila/lycos/nomade/voila/yahoo.fr,
www.telefrance/ole/ozu/evreka.com, www.aeiou/sapo.pt, www.yahoo/altavista.se, www.es.lycos.de, www.pt.voila.com, www.biwe.es,
cypria/hotwin/diabolos.com, www.euroseek.net, www.start.ro, www.neti.ee,
cz.orientation.com, Inet.hr, www./belcast/ilse/webwatch/.be,
www.voodoo-it.de, www.altavista/excite/lycos/ukplus/yahoo/mirago/newsnow/god/searchgate/
ukindex.co.uk, www.searchuk/ukmax/shopgenie.com,
se.excite.com, www.lycos.se, www.lycosch.ch, search.ch, sear.ch,
www.swisssearch.com, www.beocity/yusearch.com, www.yustart.co.yu,
www.echola/starmedia.com, www.altavista.magallanes.net, argentina.wwwdirectory.net, www.buscaniguas.com.sv, www.radarvol.com.br, www.orientation.co.fr, www.xolo.com.ni, co.orientation.com, cl.orientation.com, www.excite/looksmart/webwombat/aaa/ozsearch/yahoo/
cowleys/lookabout/anzwers.com.au, planet-samoa.com, accessnz.co.nz,
www.infinisearch/euroseek.net, www.familyfriendlysearch/searchrunner.com, one2seek/datahit.com, www.askjeeves/altavista/directhit/alltheweb/gota/hotbot/inktomi/lycos/
looksmart/iwon/go/excite/realnames/webcrawler/snap.com, dmoz.org, search.netscape.com,
www.aaa.com.au/boomerang, www.searchnewzealand.co.nz, www.ananzi.co.za, www.fanagalo.co.za,
www.max.co.za, search.aol.com,
kellysearch/DMOZ/ASK.com, www.tgrnet.com, www.thomasnet.com, USchamber.com, Iserve.wtca.org, Tlv-chamber.org.il, Tamas.gov.il, www1.kompass.com/kinl/en, wtpfed.org,
Tpage.com, www.Altavista/inktomi/teoma/wisenut/yahoo/looksmart.com,
www.infospace/about/dogpile/vivisimo.com, web/yahoo/infoseek.de, suchen.com,
intersearch/paperboy/altavista/be11net/lycos.de, globalirish/searchireland.com,
Kompass/doras.ie, anything-irish.com, achla/tapuz/maven.co.il,
walla/sivuv/nana.co.il, arianna/virgilio/yahoo.it, Italy.infoseek/supereva.com,

这些是我多年积攒下来的,希望帮上你。 最好用的其实还是谷歌,好好利用他吧


Thanks for your reply.
Please refer to the attachment for revised quotations.
The prices listed are the wholesale price, including carton and wooden case packing, as is shown in the picture.

Please note that:
Model A, B and C are made in the same factory. You can order them in any combination with total 20 shipping containers. The shipping habour is BEIJING.
Model W, X and S are made in another factory, You can order them in any conbination. The shipping habour is SHANGHAI.

BTW, tomorrow is theChinese traditional festival - Mid-autumn Festival. We will have a three-day public holiday.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us via Email or phone.
We will reply to you as quickly as possible.


3、外贸中mother vessel BL是什么意思,还有Feeder BI 是什么意思



5. insurance policy 保险单
6. insurance certificate 保险证明(保单)
7. certificate of origin 产地证明
8. certificate of quality/quantity 质量/数量证明
9. in triplicate/in three copies 一式3份
10. in plicate 一式2份
11. shipping advice/instruction 装船通知/装运指示
12. shipping mark 唛头
13. shipping company/forwards 船公司/运输公司
14. shipping order 订舱单
15. port of loading 装货港
16. port of destination/discharge 目的港/卸货港
17. transshipment(transit to…) 转运至。。。
18. partial 分批
19. with…allowed/permitted 允许
20. not…/prohibited 不允许
21. carton/crate/barrel/bale/bag/woder/case 箱/桶/包/木箱
22. container/FCL 集装箱/整箱
23. FPA/WPA/ALL RISKS 平安险/水渍险/一切险
24. war risk 战争险
25. value to be effected by …
26. ICC 海洋运输货物保险条款
27. CIC 中国人民财产保险公司
28. sales contract/sales confirmation 销售合同
29. S/C NO 销售合同号
30. establishment of business/trade relations 建立业务联系
31. commodity/procts/goods 商品/产品/货物
32. item/article 条文
33. unit/piece 单个
34. catalogue 目录
35. price list 价格单
36. enquiry 询盘
37. valid 有效


1. According to your request, we will agree to an exception within 30 days of acceptance to pay one-way delivery.

2. We are in this area can not accommodate for the deal set a precedent for the future.

3. If agreed to pay to make concessions, for example, single-spot payment, we would appreciate it.

4. We can make sure that you 276 orders you to open a 28,000 U.S. dollars of long-term 60-day bills of exchange.


6、外贸相关 翻译 谢谢

杂项。卖方公约,如果适用,它将遵守第211款的能源重组法, 10病死率为50.7 (对雇员的保障)和专29病死率为24.2 (义务和禁止的属行为) ,禁止歧视雇员,搞“保护活动” ,这包括报告的核安全或质量的关注,并卖方应立即通知买方任何指称的行为,通知提出投诉,或调查有关的任何此类指控或投诉。卖方公约的任何商品或服务的供应下,这项命令已经或将要产生的: (一)利用强迫,契约或定罪的劳动; (二)利用劳动的人在违反最低工作年龄的法律在该国制造的该货物或任何国家在其中提供服务,根据这项命令;或( 三 )在违反了最低工资,小时的服务,或超时工作的法律在该国制造或任何国家在其中提供服务,根据这项命令。如果强迫或监狱劳动,或劳动低于适用最低工作年龄,是有决心已用于在这方面秩序,买方有权立即终止该命令没有进一步的补偿。卖方同意提供小型企业,以及少数民族和/或妇女拥有的商业利用和人口数据的请求。