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发布时间: 2022-06-20 20:55:09


























3、(13分)全球化自15世纪新航路开辟就已开始,更是当今世界的热门话题。阅读下列材料: 材料一 如果全球化




First, globalization will smooth out the diversity among the community, but will increase the diversity within society. Because people increased choice of menu. Think about which is more important.
Second, diversity is a paradox. Globalization does make some partial rection of diversity. Too much knowledge will limit our creativity. Some
degree of isolation can inject a sense of confidence and a certain magic to the art. This diversity of local people to rece the mean rection in choice of menu.
Third, this is a "degree" of the problem.
The traditional festival has graally been occupied by Western festivals, traditions and customs be forgotten, the traditional ancient buildings continue to be demolished to destroy in the development of the economy.

People in the world today are facing complicated society. Art and culture even be used to achieve the expansion. Hollywood, United States, for example, Hollywood annually proces about 700 films the Hollywood audience all over the world. In fact, the Hollywood movie has now become a tool of the United States to achieve the purposes of aggression and expansion.
各民族都有自己文化的个性和特征。 各民族文化都是世界文化中不可缺少
Culture is national, but also the world's
All ethnic groups have their own culture and personality characteristics. The national culture is indispensable to world culture
Accounted for over 1/5 of the population lives in countries with the highest income levels, they have 86% of the global gross domestic proct (GDP), 82% of the global export market, 68% of the foreign direct investment, 74% of the total number of telephone; while the share of the world's populationonly about 1% of the share of 1/5 of the total number of poor in the above-mentioned items now. The difference between rich and poor countries in terms of average income, 74 times, in 1960, this gap is only 30 times. In addition, the 200 richest assets accounted for 41% of the world's total population, more than the total income.
200 millionaire property increased twice in the past four years, more than one trillion U.S. dollars, to the contrary, the daily income of less than $ poor remained at around 1.3 billion.
Globalization undoubtedly contributed to the overall growth of the world
economy, the global distribution of economic interests is disproportionate. A handful of national and multinational monopolies rules of the game and control the world market. Multinational corporations are an important driving force of economic globalization, the world's 100 largest economies, and yet there are 51 multinational companies. (2000 data) and the vast majority of multinational companies from developed countries. Seen by the state power embodied in national wealth gap is still huge. In economic output, few countries are expected to challenge the middle or even smaller instrialized countries. Even the third world to maintain the momentum of rapid development, the absolute gap can be so large that in the foreseeable future is unlikely to be eliminated.

At present, the persons concerned are to promote economic globalization on developed countries' damage theory. "However, the world economy and the greater impact of the international system is globalization has increased
inequality between countries. First, the past accumulated inequalities between countries not only failed to eliminate or mitigate a result of globalization, but growing.
Population of high-income countries account for only about 15% of the world's population, their home is the world's biological capacity by 28% but 55% of global consumption of biocapacity. This is how to achieve it?
However, political independence, economic independence they are still
nowhere in sight. International division of labor under globalization, third world countries are still at the bottom of the global instrial chain, excessive
consumption in developed countries to provide the resources and cheap labor.
An indigenous leader from the Philippines has sharply pointed out that "the so-called economic globalization, but the latest manifestation of colonialism." Colonial past is a direct plunder, colonists had to directly face the dissatisfaction of the colonists and resistance; the current economic
globalization is the scam together, the old masters and the elite conspiracy third World countries, third World countries continue to proce low-cost output, raw materials and labor (in processing, etc.), and in exchange, often and interests of the majority of unrelated or even negatively related to luxury goods and weapons and the like. "
In 1964, the world-renowned U.S. company Union Carbide in India opened a proction of pesticides farm .1975 years, finally built a large Pesticide Factory, 750 kilometers south away from the capital city of New Delhi.
In the 1984, this Pesticide Factory, liquid, highly toxic gas leakage from the tank, and lingering. The accident put 45 tons of highly toxic gas inside the tank to leak away. Only two days alone, more than 2,500 people were killed and another 60 million people affected by the poison damage of varying degrees. In 1994,The number of death has reached 6495 , there are 40,000 people dying.

Globalization the values conflict, main performance for different nationalities and countries, especially between the values of western values and non-western values of the conflict between.
And for non-western behind countries, western values and the conflict between the national values and is often and traditional values and the modem values is the process of modernization, the formation and development of the conflict between the values and intertwined, and often with the latter for intermediary.

Although "globalization" and "modernization" have different content, the former has some kind of space or geographic category of nature, it is to point to from regional to global;

While the latter has some time or historical category of nature, it is to point to from tradition to modern times, but since modern times of globalization and the whole world of modernization process is actually the same process.

It is in this process, the western capitalist countries to take the lead in realizing the
modernization of the endogenous type, according to the capitalist expansion immanent logic and with its start advantage, forced or sece non-western national identity western value, tries hard to western values, a generalized and globalization;
Some non-western countries the hand behind efforts to start or DuoCi start forced type, such as the modernization of the ZhuiGanXing exogenous type, and thus in different degree approbation west value, on the other hand, a generalized expansion in western values under the weight of national culture and appear constantly identity crisis and identity pursuit, and national cultural identity in the final analysis or for the ethnic traditional culture, especially to the core value of identity.
Therefore, in the globalization of the world modernization and basic collocated process, "" western" is no longer a geographical term but 'common code of', 'modern western' is' the symbol of modernization "universal. Through such conversion, identity 'western' into identity 'modern'."

J correspondingly, globalization china-africa western countries face behind the national values and the western the conflicts of values, often also direct the performance for the traditional values and the modem values of the conflict between.

As the expansion of the generalized to western values and fight against extreme form of response, fundamentalism was "the modern", lies in its saw and special emphasis on globalization in the modern values and the exterior-interior relationship between western values.
Also because of this, so native and outland, traditional and modern this two category and their mutual relationships become the contemporary culture study and cultural philosophy in the debate a focal point.
In the face of all these contemporary globalization in complex culture values conflict, cultural evolution in different cultural and understand that values will geographic category (native and outland) into historical category (the traditional and modern), and cultural relativism then requires the people will historical category (the traditional and modern) into geographic category (native and outlands).
Although cultural evolution and cultural relativism each has its drawbacks, of which, the former have obviously the theory of color, the latter has the cultural conservatism properties, but both see the modern globalization in different national values, especially the conflict between western values and non-western values is the conflict between the traditional values and the modem values and the conflict is profoundly intertwined with the facts, and to make a fact to own understanding and explanation.
增加是随着经济全球化的正常运作过程而产生的,它同时又是全球化发展不均衡的结果。 With the globalization of economy increase is the normal operation of the process and of generation, it is also the result of the unbalanced development of globalization.
The benefits of globalization and the cost of pay in different countries and different groups within one country between the distribution is not balanced between.

That is the developed countries and developing countries in global development in the game role is different, benefit from is not

A balanced, so the tilt of the developing countries in a large number of illegal immigrants into
the developed countries


 萎靡的经济、迅速上升的激进政治势力、持续发酵的难民危机和英国退欧冲击波等旧病新疾,恐怖主义威胁还让欧洲人的安全感前所未有地匮乏。去年年底,法国巴黎发生了被称作“第二次911”的恐怖袭击案。欧洲人在巨大的心理阴影之下遭遇了此冲击。 人们的不安全感很快被证明不是杞人忧天。3月22日,布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击案造成了30多人死亡,爆炸地点之一的地铁站距欧盟总部大厦只有500米,“心脏”受袭让欧洲的恐怖气氛变得更加浓重。年中,在法国国庆日发生的尼斯卡车袭击案造成至少84人死亡。在临近岁末的12月19日,瑞士和德国同时发生导致多人死伤的恐怖袭击。不过,由于同一天在欧洲边缘的安卡拉发生的俄罗斯驻土耳其大使遇刺案抢占了“头条”,欧洲腹地的两起案件没有引起世界舆论的太大关注。 







人类历史几千年了,有不少的民族和种族在今天只能在土里挖出来,有很多都是曾经及其辉煌的。最有说服力的就是两河流域,在历史上出现了太多太多非常强悍的民族,巴比伦,亚述,苏美尔... ...这些都是提起来能让那个时代颤抖的种族,可惜都灭亡啦。灭亡的原因很简单,他们都崇尚武力征服,喜欢暴力解决问题。