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國際貿易專業男女比例 2020-08-26 05:18:03
寧波外貿網站製作 2020-09-01 16:26:57
德驛全球購 2020-08-26 04:14:27


發布時間: 2023-03-11 17:35:18






Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply.

Very truly yours 自米蘭職權里斯托鞋類公司取得貴公司和地址,特此修函,祈能發展關系。多年來,本公司經營鞋類進口生意,現欲擴展業務范圍。盼能惠賜商品目錄和報價表。 如價格公道,本公司必大額訂購。 煩請早日賜復。 此致


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有關商務關系的來函,不勝欣喜。謹遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目錄和報價單。款項煩請以不可撤銷保兌之信用狀支付。如欲訂貨,請電傳或傳 真為盼。 此致 敬禮


We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotion of your procts in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `本公司擔任多家廠家的獨家代理,專營精製棉織品,包括各燈家用亞麻製品,行銷中東。 與貴公司向有業務聯系,互利互作。貴公司紡織部亦十分了解有關業務合作之情況。 盼望能成為貴公司獨家代理,促銷在巴林市場的貨品。 上述建議,煩請早日賜復,以便進一步聯系合作。 此致 敬禮


Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would berather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our proctsat you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover tojustify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the procts you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon. 9月1日有關建議擔任家用亞麻製品獨家代理的來信收悉。謹致衷心謝意。目前時機尚未成熟,不能應允該安排深感抱歉。 然而,本公司樂意與貴公司先試行合作,為今後合作打下基礎。為證明擔任獨家代理的能力,貴公司宜上述貨品作市場調查,研究是否可擴大現有之營業額。奉上該 貨品之報價單,敬希查照。專此候復。 此致 敬禮


Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines. We have examined our long and ,I must say ,mutually beneficial collaboration. We would be very pleased to entrust you with the sole agency for Bahrain. From our records, we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory .the sole agency will naturally be contingent on you maintaining qualified aftersales staff. We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclosed. Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval. On a personal note, I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship. I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so delightfully .I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan . My very best wishes to you and your wife. 4月12日建議擔任為公室器具之獨家代理來信已經收悉。 過去雙方合作皆互利互助,能獲您的眷顧作我公司於巴林的獨家代理,殊感榮幸。 據知您公司兩服務技師曾到我公司米蘭工廠受訓。相信您公司在取得代理權後,仍會繼續注重合格售後服務人員的訓練。現隨信附上協議草稿, 請查實各項條款 ,惠復是盼。 能加強業務,我亦感到欣喜,前次到訪巴林,蒙盛情款待,不勝感激。祈盼您蒞臨米蘭時,容我一盡地主之誼。 此致 敬禮



At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there , I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Etoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company's success to your excellent distribution network which has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our procts in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary ecation in all subjects .Our patented 『Matrix』 math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have a complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London ring the first two weeks of October .Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal. 本用初參觀哈洛加特玩具交易會時有幸與教育玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯·蓋齊先生一談,提及本公司正物色代理人推廣教學器材一事。 蓋齊先生贊揚貴公司積極推廣產品,不斷推出新的推銷方法,並把其公司的成就歸於貴公司完善的經銷網路。貴公司的經驗,正能替本公司在英國經銷產品。 本公司生產初級教育各學科的教育器村、專利產品梅特里克教學器材更傲視同儕。 除美國教學器材外,亦備有全套英式英語版教材,適合當地市場,貴公司無需憂慮切合市場需求。 現附上配有插圖的英式英語版教材目錄,盼抽空細閱,並賜知寶貴意見。本人擬於10月頭兩星期前往倫敦,未知能否安排會面,就以上建議作一詳談? 此致 敬禮



商務英語專業文員實習告(中英文對照) 我是一名商務英語專業的學生。在即將畢業的這幾個月里,我主要負責的工作內容是辦公室文秘。在這一過程中,我採用了看、問、學等方式,初步了解了公司文秘工作中的具體業務知識,拓展了所學的專業知識。為以後正常工作的展開奠定了堅實的基礎,從個人發展方面說,對我影響最大的應該是作為一個社會人工作作風以及在工作過程中專業知識對工作的重要作用,因為這些都是我在校學習中不曾接觸過的方面,所以我將在告中首先講述我在實習期間積累的這方面的認識和經驗 畢業實習是每個大學生必須擁有的一段經歷,它使我們在實踐中了解社會,讓我們學到了很多在課堂上根本就學不到的知識,受益匪淺,也打開了視野,增長了見識,為我們以後進一步走向社會打下堅實的基礎。由於我所在的公司是北京駐烏的一個辦事處,是一家私企,所以我剛開始的工作並不忙,沒有感覺到很累。只是每天都要守在和傳真機旁。很耗時間,第一天就因為坐了一天腰酸背痛的。但是過了幾天就稍有點習慣了,每天向我同一個辦公室的女孩學習一些辦公知識。剛步入工作崗位,才發現自己有很多都不懂的。現在在辦公室,有閑的時候就會看一些會計方面的書,雖然自己所學的專業在此時沒有派上什麼用場,但我覺得應該多學點,有幾個技能在以後找工作也可以給自己我幾個選擇。我現在上近兩個月了,在這短短一個多朋中,曾有幾次想過幹完一個月不幹了。也許我是剛開始工作,有時受不了經理給的「氣」, 自己心裡很不舒服,就想辭職再重新換個工作得了。但靜下心來仔細想想,再換個工作也是的,在別人手底下工作不都是這樣么?剛開始。就應該踏踏實實的干好自己的工作,畢竟又沒有工作經驗,現在有機會了就要從各方面鍛煉自己。不然,想念以後干什麼都會干不好的。我現在的工作,相比其他人來說待遇挺不錯的了,也不是和其他人比,工作也不是很難,很容易進入工作,關鍵是學習對人怎麼說話、態度及其處事。由於經驗少,我現在這方面還有欠缺。現在才明白,在校做一名學生,是多麼的好啊!早晚要工作,早晚要步入社會,早晚要面對這些避免不了的事。所以,現在我很珍惜學習的機會,多學一點總比沒有學的好,花同樣的時間,還不如多學,對以後擇業會有很大的幫助 再說回來,在工作中,互相諒解使我很感激他們。有時同事有事要晚來一點,就要我一個人在辦公室辦公,偶爾我也會的,大家相處的很好,沒有什麼隔合。有幾次要回學校辦點事,去向經理請幾小時的假,經理也都很體諒,直接就給批假了。這個時候心裡很開心;遇到一個如此好說話的經理。所以,感覺現在的工作還是挺不錯的,最重要的事就是周圍的同事都很不錯的。心裡上沒有什麼額外的,不必要的壓力,可以好好工作,學習。先就業,後擇業。我現在要好好鍛煉自己。再好好學習,之後相信自己通過努力一定會找個好工作來回父母及其所有的老師的。別的沒有什麼奢求的,現在當然是把磨練自己放在第一位,更何況現在的待遇還不錯。在這一個多月中,我學到了一些在學校學不到的東西,即使都明白的事,可是剛開始有時還做不好。現在做事,不僅要持有需心求教的態度,還要懂得取長補短,最重要的一點就是「忍」了也就是堅持不懈。現在,我工作的時間雖然不久,可是我發現自己真的變了點,會比以前為人處事了 人生難免會遇到挫折,沒有經歷過失敗的人生不是完整的人生。在秘書這個職位上,技術性的勞動並不多,大多是些瑣碎重復的工作,因而秘書在工作中所會遇到的挫折主要可能發生在:[1]與上司溝通不好;[]上司給的某份工作感覺吃力,難以勝任;[]對瑣碎重復的工作感到怨煩;[]與上司發生爭執;[]情感方面 針對文員這個職位的特點,具體到挫折時,不妨從調整心態來舒解壓力,面對挫折。哦 還有就是 現在我報讀的ABC天卞口語的外教才和我提過 就是要學好英語是輕松的~一定要有一個適宜的研習空間和練習口語對象 這取決於外教資質,最好歐美母語 口語純正很重要,堅決逐日口語溝通 1 on 1針對性教學才能夠有非常.好.的學習效果!課後同樣要重復溫習錄音文檔,更可以加深印象;然後要是真的沒人幫忙,那麼就去 VOA或大耳朵拿到課外學習資料研習,多說多問不知不覺的英語水平就加強起來 學習成長肯定會突飛猛進的..古曰「天降大任於人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,增益其所不能。」 遇到挫折時應進行冷靜分析,從客觀、主觀、目標、環境、條件等方面,找出受挫的原因,採取有效的補救措施。樹立一個辯證的挫折觀,經常保持自信和樂觀的態度,要認識到正是挫折和教訓才使我們變得聰明和成熟,正是失敗本身才最終造就了成功。學會自我寬慰,能容忍挫折,要心懷坦盪,情緒樂觀,發奮圖強。善於化壓力為動力,改變內心的壓抑狀態,以求身心的輕松,重新爭取成功,從而讓目光面向未來。復印、傳真、公文處理等文秘工作我都基本熟練。文秘管理要制發文件,處理文件和管理文件。在各種文件中,大部分具有不同程度的保密性,而且各級秘書人員經常接近領導,看一些重要文件,參加一些重要會議,所以,秘書人員在公共場合活動時要注意內外有別,把握分寸,對什麼應該說什麼不應該說要心中有數。准確,是對工作質量的要求。文秘管理的准確性是指正確體現政策,正確表達領導意圖,正確地辦文辦事,言行有分寸,文字能達意。它在一定程度上保證領導工作的准備性。文秘管理的准確性,涉及的方面很多,簡要地說,就是:辦文要准,辦事要穩,情況要實,主意要慎。而要做到這些,必須態度認真,作風過細,不能疏忽大意,不能馬虎潦草。比如說辦理公文,就要保證文件的質量,用詞要准確,材料要真實,抄寫要認真,校對要仔細,力求每一個環節都不發生差錯。否則就會貽誤工作,甚至釀成難以彌補的損失 我在實習的過程中,既有收獲的喜悅,也有一些遺憾。也許是實習日子短和我並非文秘專業的關系,對文秘有些工作的認識僅僅停留在表面,只是在看人做,聽人講如何做,未能夠親身感受、具體處理一些工作,所以未能領會其精髓。但時通過實習,加深了我對文秘基本知識的理解,豐富了我的實際管理知識,使我對日常文秘管理工作有了一定的感性和理性認識。認識到要做好日常企業文秘管理工作,既要注重管理理論知識的學習,更重要的是要把實踐與理論兩者緊密相結合 通過在職的一個多月里,我深感自己的不足,我會在以後的工作學習中更加努力,取長補短,需心求教。相信自己會在以後的工作中更加得心應手,表現更加出色!不管是在什麼地方任職,都會努力! Professional Business English students internsp clerks report My English is a business professional students. In the coming months, a graate of ts, I mainly responsible for the contents of the office clerical work. In ts process, I used to see, ask and learn, understand the company secretarial work in the specific business ledge, the school expanded expertise. For normal work after the commencement of laying a solid foundation of personal development, I should be most affected as a community and work style of people in the course of its expertise on the important role because they are in school, I did not learn of the contacts, I will in my first report on the internsp accumulated ring ts ledge and experience. Graate students each practice is a must have experienced it in practice so that we understand the community, we have learned a lot in class attendance is not ledge, benefit, also opened the horizons, increased exposure for our future further towards laying a solid foundation for the community.由於我所在的公司是北京駐烏的一個辦事處,是一家私企,所以我剛開始的工作並不忙,沒有感覺到很累 Shou is in daily telephone and fax macne beside. Very amount of time spent, on the first day of sitting for a day because of back pains. But after a few days on some points used every day to my office with an office girls learn some ledge. Just enter the workplace, they found that many do not . Now in office, there will be leisure time to look at some of the accounting books, although they h


Your March 5 letter, thank you. We have carefully studied the socks you put on my offer advice.
Although we would like to meet your requirements, but sorry can not bargain with your request, e to our precise calculation of the price by our price, that is, our prices and other suppliers, different prices, it is because our procts The quality far more than other foreign brands in your office, purchased from us, you will benefit.
However, to help you develop business in this instry, we are prepared to give a 5% discount on the condition that you order quantity of 5,000 pairs. If this proposal is acceptable, please inform you as soon as possible quantitative.