global competition
Is a new world order in the making? The answer: yes. Up to now, only about 20% of the world's people have attained solid development, growth, and modernity. Now the rest are catching up at an unprecedented speed. This sudden surge in so many late developers suggests a brave new world in the making.
Several Key Changes
Huge changes are happening, within a vastly expanded sphere for all people and nations. We can identify four in particular.
First, wealth making through instrialization and commercialization has become a universal thing. For a long time, procts made in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany dominated global markets. Today, procts made in China, Mexico, Vietnam, and Indonesia, among other developing nations, are increasingly flooding the world, changing the global proction map again.
Behind this changing map, interestingly, many poor nations have rapidly taken on active roles in the global economy. But their biggest weapon remains low-cost labor, which provides a working platform for cooperation and sharing between the rich and poor nations.
Today, most developing nations are extremely limited in resources and strengths. Hence, for them, this cost gap is a survival gap. In fact, other than cheap labor and hard work, they have few advantages. However, it turns out that low labor cost and hard work do make a difference.
For now, manufacturing activities, especially in the low end of the value chains, increasingly shift to the poor nations, while the developed nations focus more and more on a service and high-tech-oriented economy. This giant change, though only beginning, will impact the future world economy even more.
Second, all regional markets are connected to each other. Interdependence is opening up the old national boundaries dramatically. Most profoundly, the flows of capital, technology, goods, and people have reached a new level. Moving from survival of the fittest to rational collaboration and sharing, life on the earth will never be the same again.
Third, wealth making has gained a record-high status. Consequently, old ideology is lost to the new economic waves. This is a truly golden age for capitalists anywhere, who can reach all corners of the world for the first time in human history.
是一個新的世界秩序的過程? 答案:是的。 到目前為止,只有約20%的世界人民獲得了牢固的發展、增長、和現代化。 其他地區現在已趕上以前所未有的速度。 這麽多晚突然增加的發展商建議的勇敢新世界中作出的。
正在發生巨大的變化,在一個領域大大擴大為所有國家和人民。 我們可以確定四個特別是。
第一,財富使通過工業化和商業化已經成為一個具有普遍意義的東西。 長期以來,產品在聯合王國、美國和德國,主宰全球市場。 今天,中國製造的產品、墨西哥、越南、印度尼西亞、在其他發展中國家,正越來越多地水浸的世界,不斷變化的全球生產再次地圖。
這一變化背後地圖,有趣的是,許多窮國已迅速採取積極的作用對在全球經濟。 但他們最大的武器仍然是低成本勞動力,這提供了一個工作平台,以合作和分享富國和窮國之間。
今天,大多數發展中國家都極為有限的資源和力量。 因此,對他們來說,這一費用差距是一個生存差距。 事實上,其他較廉價勞工和勤奮工作,他們有幾個優勢。 然而,原來,勞動力成本低和艱苦的工作是有影響的。
現在,製造業活動,特別是在低端的價值鏈,日益轉移到窮國,而發達國家把重點更多和更多的服務和高科技為主的經濟。 這一巨大變化,盡管只是開始,將會影響未來世界經濟的更多。
第二,所有的區域市場是相互連接。 相互依存是開放的舊國家邊界急劇增加。 最深刻、流動方面的資本、技術、商品、和人民達到了新的水平。 從適者生存的合作和交流,合理,生活在地球也永遠不會是原來的樣子。
第三,財富作出了記錄很高的地位。 因此,舊思想是失去了對新經濟浪潮。 這真的是一個黃金年齡的任何地方資本家,誰能達到對世界所有角落首次在人類歷史。
Globalization`s al power Globalization has found a significant place in the lives of the people. During the process of globalization, we have made a bridge where ideas and beliefs can cross the borders, and the walls of distrust and the barriers of suspicion between countries have graally disappeared. Though globalization is seen as a sign of a hopeful future by some, there are others who believe that it can cause a horrible disaster for the world economy. Counties benefit a lot from globalization, especially the developing countries. With it, there is a global market for companies to trade their procts which can make the proction sector develop rapidly. This gives lots of options to the manufacturers as well. Besides, competition keeps prices relatively low and it can provide a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the procts of different nations. In addition, there is a sound flow of money, as a result, inflation is less likely to occur. But the disadvantages brought by globalization cannot be ignored. Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being swerved to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries
is low as compared to other countries which is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are implemented. Moreover, companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries which can result in transferring the quality of their proct to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of poor quality. Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process of integration of regional economies into global network of communication which the human being cannot hold back. So we should keep a positive attitude toward it, take good use of it and avoid disadvantages at the same time. Thus there will be a better world where all the people can have a brighter future.
Globalization is the best word of the last ten years. All the newspaper followed the word and politician spoke of it. And a lot of academics used it. With most of these, I don't think there is such phenomenon, or rather I don't think that what is being described globalization is effecting anything new.
In the last few years, very in the last three years perhaps, we began the held 80globalization movements. Especially since world trade organization meeting in Seattle and demonstrations we held at the time and the subsequent meetings in another part of the world most recently in January. Because I don't how many of you have known this since September eleventh event, this is two weeks ago in New York Washington. The word globalization has less disappeared from newspapers. They talk about terrorism. They talk about economic depression.
No one talks about globalization. Those people who said globalization is a good thing. Basically argue, the more free trade, the more free capital movements, there are in the world and the more economic groups will exalt, and the more economic growth. The bigger of the pie, we all have to share, and that will be more for everyone on the ground.
What is called globalization Those who struggle against globalization consider themselves anti-globalization people. They argue almost the opposed. They said that the increased of all transitions has a cure social cost, at least at the cline of the community type. At least is an instruction to the traditional safety net. But also an addiction to this is the increasingly to the prorisation of the world economy. And economy prorisation is also social prorisation and it's democratic social prorisation. So centrally we have a contract thing between those who think it's getting better and better and those who think it's getting worse and worse. And they don't agree a draw on an analysis of what is affected it. What is general mention by those who use this term It is two things. One is the fact that is a support for the first time. And it ignored this decree of the. That is basically of goods and of capital, not of labor, but goods and capital. This is p believe according to a decree never before known sensitively. And the second thing that people tend to mean by globalization.
http://www.2635.com.cn/83/.html 這里有一PDF文件可供下載
中文:經濟全球化 英文:Economic Globalization 經濟全球化是指世界經濟活動超越國界,通過對外貿易、資本流動、技術轉移、提供服務、相互依存、相互聯系而形成的全球范圍的有機經濟整體。經濟全球化是當代世界經濟的重要特徵之一,也是世界經濟發展的重要趨勢。經濟全球化的過程早已開始,尤其是80年代以後,特別是進入90年代,世界經濟全球化的進程大大加快了。經濟全球化,有利於資源和生產要素在全球的合理配置,有利於資本和產品在全球性流動,有利於科技在全球性的擴張,有利於促進不發達地區經濟的發展,是人類發展進步的表現,是世界經濟發展的必然結果。但它對每個國家來說,都是一柄雙刃劍,既是機遇,也是挑戰。特別是對經濟實力薄弱和科學技術比較落後的發展中國家,面對全球性的激烈競爭,所遇到的風險、挑戰將更加嚴峻。目前經濟全球化中急需解決的問題是建立公平合理的新的經濟秩序,以保證競爭的公平性和有效性。 經濟全球化 是指貿易、投資、金融、生產等活動的全球化,即生存要素在全球范圍內的最佳配合置。從根源上說是生產力和國際分工的高度發展,要求進一步跨越民族和國家疆界的產物。 進入21世紀以來,經濟全球化與跨國公司的深入發展,既給世界貿易帶來了重大的推動力,同時也給各國經貿帶來了諸多不確定因素,使其出現許多新的特點和新的矛盾。為此,研究和了解這一問題有著一定的現實意義。 一、經濟全球化的提出與發展 (一)經濟全球化的含義經濟全球化出現於20世紀80年代中期,90年代得到認可,但目前沒有統一概念。國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)在1997年5月發表的一份報告中指出,「經濟全球化是指跨國商品與服務貿易及資本流動規模和形式的增加,以及技術的廣泛迅速傳播使世界各國經濟的相互依賴性增強」。而經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)認為,「經濟全球化可以被看作一種過程,在這個過程中,經濟、市場、技術與通訊形式都越來越具有全球特徵,民族性和地方性在減少」。 為此,可從三方面理解經濟全球化:一是世界各國經濟聯系的加強和相互依賴程度日益提高;二是各國國內經濟規則不斷趨於一致;三是國際經濟協調機制強化,即各種多邊或區域組織對世界經濟的協調和約束作用越來越強。 總的來講,經濟全球化是指以市場經濟為基礎,以先進科技和生產力為手段,以發達國家為主導,以最大利潤和經濟效益為目標,通過分工、貿易、投資、跨國公司和要素流動等,實現各國市場分工與協作,相互融合的過程。 (二)經濟全球化的載體 1.貿易自由化。隨著全球貨物貿易、服務貿易,技術貿易的加速發展,經濟全球化促進了世界多邊貿易體制的形成,從而加快了國際貿易的增長速度,促進了全球貿易自由化的發展,也使得加入到WTO組織的成員以統一的國際准則來規范自己的行為。 2.生產國際化。生產力作為人類社會發展的根本動力,極大地推動著世界市場的擴大。以互聯網為標志的科技革命,從時間和空間上縮小了各國之間的距離,促使世界貿易結構發生巨大變化,促使生產要素跨國流動,它不僅對生產超越國界提出了內在要求,也為全球化生產准備了條件,是推動經濟全球化的根本動力。 3.金融全球化,世界性的金融機構網路,大量的金融業務跨國界進行,跨國貸款、跨國證券發行和跨國並購體系已經形成。世界各主要金融市場在時間上相互接續、價格上相互聯動,幾秒鍾內就能實現上千萬億美元的交易,尤其是外匯市場已經成為世界上最具流動性和全天候的市場。 4.科技全球化。它是指各國科技資源在全球范圍內的優化配置,這是經濟全球化最新拓展和進展迅速的領域,表現為,先進技術和研發能力的大規模跨國界轉移,跨國界聯合研發廣泛存在。以信息技術產業為典型代表,各國的技術標准越來越趨向一致,跨國公司巨頭通過壟斷技術標準的使用,控制了行業的發展,獲取了大量的超額利潤。 經濟全球化的四個主要載體都與跨國公司密切相關,或者說跨國公司就是經濟全球化及其載體的推動者與擔當者。 「經濟全球化」這個詞,據說最早是由特·萊維於1985年提出的,但至今沒有一個公認的定義。 有人從生產力運動的發展的角度分析,認為經濟全球化是一個歷史過程。一方面,在世界范圍內,各國、各地區的經濟相互交織、相互影響、相互融合成統一整體,即形成「全球統一市場」;另一方面,在世界范圍內建立了規范經濟行為的全球規則,並以此為基礎建立了經濟運行的全球機制。在這個過程中,市場經濟一統天下,生產要素在全球范圍內自由流動和優化配置。因此,經濟全球化是指生產要素跨越國界,在全球范圍內自由流動,各國、各地區相互融合成整體的歷史過程。 也有人從生產關系的角度分析,認為「經濟全球化」實際上是以美國為代表的發達國家和跨國公司利用科技進步,借自由化之名,行控制世界經濟之實,使發達國家越來越富,發展中國家越來越窮的歷史過程。 20世紀90年代以來,以信息技術革命為中心的高新技術迅猛發展,不僅沖破了國界,而且縮小了各國和各地的距離,使世界經濟越來越融為整體。但經濟全球化是一把「雙刃劍」。它推動了全球生產力大發展,加速了世界經濟增長,為少數發展中國家追趕發達國家提供了一個難得的歷史機遇。與此同時,也加劇了國際競爭,增多了國際投機,增加了國際風險,並對國家主權和發展中國家的民族工業造成了嚴重沖擊。更為嚴重的是,在經濟全球化中,由於實力不同,發達國家和跨國公司將得利最多,而發展中國家所得甚少。因此,發展中國家與發達國家的差距將進一步拉大,一些最不發達國家將被排除在經濟全球化之外,越來越被「邊緣化」,甚至成為發達國家和跨國公司的「新技術殖民地」。 目前,經濟全球化已顯示出強大的生命力,並對世界各國經濟、政治、軍事、社會、文化等所有方面,甚至包括思維方式等,都造成了巨大的沖擊。這是一場深刻的革命,任何國家也無法迴避,唯一的辦法是如何去適應它,積極參與經濟全球化,在歷史大潮中接受檢驗。