當前位置:首頁 » 貨運貨代 » 貨代英語答案
國際貿易專業男女比例 2020-08-26 05:18:03
寧波外貿網站製作 2020-09-01 16:26:57
德驛全球購 2020-08-26 04:14:27


發布時間: 2023-05-11 16:15:17


nominated forwarding company
nominated logistics company



(一) 船代
Shipping agent 船舶代理
Handling Agent 操作代理
Booking Agent 訂艙代理
Cargo Canvassing 攬貨
FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 貨代傭金
Brokerage / Commission 傭金

Booking 訂艙
Booking Note 訂艙單
Booking Number 訂艙號
Dock Receipt 場站收據
M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 艙單
Cable/Telex Release 電放
A Circular Letter 通告信/通知書
PIC: Person in Charge 具體負責操作人員
The said party 所涉及的一方
On Board B/L: On Board提單 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/C
Cancellation 退關箱

BP Base Port 基本港
Prompt release 即時放行
Transit time 航程時間 / 中轉時間
Cargo availability at destination in 貨物運抵目的地
Second Carrier (第)二程船
In transit 中轉
Transportation hub 中轉港

Tractor 牽引車/拖頭
Low-bed 低平板車
Trailer 拖車
Transporter 拖車
Trucking Company 車隊(汽車運輸公司)
Axle load 軸負荷
Tire-load 輪胎負荷
Toll Gate 收費口

Bonded Area 保稅區
Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保稅貨物
Bonded Warehouse 保稅庫
Caged stored at bonded warehouse 進入海關監管
Fork Lift 叉車
Loading Platform 裝卸平台

A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班
A fortnight sailing 雙周班
A bi-weekly sailing 周雙班
A monthly sailing 每月班
On-schele arrival / departure 准班抵離
ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 預計到達時間
ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 預計靠泊時間
ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 預計離泊時間
The sailing Schele/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。 船期/船舶如有變更將不作事先通知
Closing Date:截止申報時間
Cut-off time:截關日

Ocean Freight 海運費
Sea Freight 海運費
Freight Rate 海運價
Charge / Fee (收)費
Dead Freight 空艙費
Dead Space: Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 虧艙
Surcharge / Additional Charge 附加費
Toll 橋/境費
Charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低於正當合理的收費
Market Price Level 市場價水平
Special Rate 特價
Rock Bottom Price 最低底價
Best Obtainable Price 市場最好價
CC Freight to Collect 到付運費
Freight Payable At Destination 到付運費
Back Freight 退貨運
Fixed Price 固定價格
Comm. Commission 傭金
Rebate 回扣/折扣
Drayage charge: made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖運費
GRI :General Rate Increase 運價上調
SGRI :Second General Rate Increase 第二次運價上調
GRD :General Rate Decrease 運價下調
TGRD :Temporary General Rate Decrease 臨時運價下調
PSS :Peak Season Surcharge 旺季附加費
Wharfage: A charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 碼頭附加費
THC :Terminal Handling Charge 碼頭操作附加費
ORC :Origin Receiving Charge 始發接單費
CUC :Chassis Usage Charge 拖車運費
IAC :Inter-modal Administrative Charge(U.S. Inland Surcharge) 內陸運輸附加費
DDC :Destination Delivery Charge (目的地卸貨費)
OAC: Origin Accessory Charge 始發港雜費
MAF: Manifest Amendment Fee 艙單改單費

SMARTRANS深圳華庭恩國際貨運 專業的貨代


First class freight forwarder

貨代freight forwarding





貨運代理行業在國際貨運市場上,處於貨主與承運人之間,接受貨主委託,代辦租船、訂艙、配 載、繕制有關證件、報關、報驗、保險、集裝箱運輸、拆裝箱、簽發提單、結算運雜費,乃至交單議付和結匯。這些工作聯系面廣,環節多,是把國際貿易貨運業務相當繁雜的工作相對集中地辦理,協調、統籌、理順關系,增強其專業性、技術性和政策性,國際貨運代理行業的形成,是國際商品流通過程的必然產物,是國際貿易不可缺少的組成部分,正因為如此,該行業被世界各國公認為國際貿易企業的貨運代理。其英文命名為FORWARDERS,並為其成立了國際性組織,即「菲亞塔」,英文縮寫為「FIATA」。它的成員國已發展到130多個國家和地區,擁有國際貨運代理公司3500多家,從業人員已達800多萬人,我國上海、天津、青島、大連、江蘇、深圳相繼成立了國際貨運代理協會,對外貿易經濟合作部正在籌建中國國際運代理協會,將領導各地協會,並加入國際性組織成為成員國。


中國國際貨運代理行業的發展歷史,與世界各國的情況大同小異。早在通過絲綢之路與歐亞各地通商時,就有報關行業,在鄭和下南洋、下西洋、東渡日本時,發展了海運。1949年全國解放後,中國遠洋中外運兩 大公司組建了船隊,並不斷壯大,擁有近、遠洋船隻1800餘艘,2200萬載重噸運力,使貿易擴展到世界各地,相應地在沿江、沿海港口城市,建立起上千家報關行,僅天津市就有156家,從業人員約800多人,約占貿易行 數量和人數的七分之一,至1955年12月31日公私合營時,隨貿易行歸口到八大進出口公司,各公司的報運科,就是以此為基礎建立起來的,並從中間抽調了部分人員充實到天津外運公司,從此由社會報關,變成為企業自行報關,各公司的報關科,也就成了各公司的國際貨運代理,他們與世界上160多個國家的同行建立了網路關系,為國家進出口貿易運輸奠定了人力、物力、財力基礎。改革開放後的中國國際貨運代理行業,由外運獨家代理變為多家經營,經濟成分由全民所有制,發展為中外合資、外商獨資、股份制、有限責任公司等所有制形式。體制改革,中外運系統和外貿專業公司的報運科,受到了沖擊和鍛煉,市場經濟競爭之特徵,日益明顯。1991-1994年,是中國境內國際貨運市場發展的高峰時期,當時干線船與支線船在運價上差額頗大,承運人和貨運代理效益頗豐,從1994年下半年開始,二程船公司進入中國境內,在運費上縮小了差額,逐步與國際貨運市場運價接軌,國際貨運呈現出薄利多運之勢,對貨主大為有利,而承運人乃至貨代企業,則感到競爭加劇,錢難賺。實力弱的承運人和無實力的貨代退出了市場,其中有的自生自滅,運價並非承運人和貨代主觀意志所能左右,而是貨源與運力供求關系姓變化所致,作為國際貨運代理企業,只能在激烈的競爭中,為貨主提供信息,為船東承攬貨源,以信譽、服務質量和實效獲得相應服務效益,然而拖欠運費,已影響貨代與承運人的資金時間價值效益,資金時間價值是以利息形式存在的,拖欠的原因,是非正常競爭攬貨所致,使貨代企業墊付運費後,短期內難以收回賬款,甚至成為呆賬.為此,貨代行業理應采以「確認付費放單」和「見費放單」之舉措,以防超時限,造成資金損失,並以此明確貨運物權憑證和債權,債務之關系,使之能維護行業權益和信譽。管理部門應依照國家的法律、法規,進行宏觀調控,使其適應外經貿發展之合理布局,加強行業規范化管理,管理的目的是維護行業合法權益。天津市國際貨運代理協會依照國家法令,制定出天津市國際貨運代業的行為規范實施細則,並擬定出了TIFFA會員標准權益條款,協助市外經貿局和地稅局,在貫徹執行國際貨運代理行業實施專用票方面,起到了促進作用。而且,在實施中,使天津市的國際貨運代理行業增強了實力,得以有序而健康地發展。


1, Procts owner(A): What's the cost for a 20 feet container from Shenzhen to LA? Forwarder(B): $$$$$
2,A: What lines do you have? B: Evergreen, Maersk, Hanjin...
3, A: Which one is the best for me if my cargo is ready on 2/21/09? B: Evergreen would be better. 4,A: How long will it take to reach at the port? B: Usually it takes around 11 days.
5, A: When can we get the container when it is in the port? B: It takes around two working days to load down the container., After that we can deliver it to you.
6,A: What's wrong with my cargo? You said it would come in today but i still havent got the notice yet! B: Im sorry. Let me check it for you....Sorry the container is still on the way and probably we can get it tomorrow.
7, A: What happened? I can't catch up with my customer's deadline! B: Im sorry. The system shows that schele was delayed because of typhoon. I promiss you that we will keep you posted once there is an update. Would you please have a talk with your customer to delay the cancel day?
8, A: I don't have a choice, do I? B: Im sorry. We'll do it better next time.
1、 CYC CY HANDLING CHARGE 釋義:日本港口操作附加費
2、 IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 釋義:多式聯運附加費
3、 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 釋義:上海港附加費
4、 YAS Yen Applica surcharge 釋義:日元貨幣附加費
5、 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR 釋義:綠色通道費 6、CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge 釋義:幣值調整費
6,我當時進我們公司是先用英語自我介紹一下,經理也會用英語稍微問我幾個問題,之後她找了一個她的郵件,讓我翻譯給她聽。有一些常用詞還是記一下的好,比如說cargo 貨物,logistic 物流 forwarder承運人 commercial invoice發票 packing list 箱單 AFR(air freight)空運 OFR(oceian freight)海運 DOM(domestic)國內運輸 airline航空公司 pick up 提貨 load/upload裝卸貨 DEP(departure) DEST(destination)目的港,origin始發港 shipper發貨人 consignee收貨人 container集裝箱貨物將於XX時間完成?
二, 貨物將於XXX(時間)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan.28th).
2、 倉位緊張,請盡快確認 Please confirm soonest as possible e to tight space
3、 船公司回復——沒有倉位 There is no space based on the reply of shipping lines
4、 幾票貨物(幾家工廠)合拼一個櫃子發運 Shipment would be effected by several factories
6、 幾個訂單合並一起出運 Those orders would be combined into one shipment
6、 截港時間 Cut off date
7、 截單時間 documentary off date
8、 開倉時間 (開始放箱的時間)Empty pick up date (Empty release time)
9、 預留倉位 Pre-booking space
10、 船期調整 Adjustment of shipping schele (因船公司調整船期,所以原計劃X月X日船,XXX提單號項下貨物,調整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schele, shipment under B/L NO.:.that carried by VES ETD on . Would be arranged on
11,客戶已於XX時候裝箱 / 提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on .(Container had been picked up on..)
12、 客戶無法趕上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage
13、 已向船公司訂艙,但未確認倉位 Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet.
14、 放箱 Empty Release
15、 客人出差 Customer is on his business way 16、 倉位 Space
17、 增加/減少1個櫃子 add/rece one volume 18、 客戶想要通過拼箱的方式出運剩下的貨物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL
19、 最新情況 the latest status
20、 沒有新消息 no any news(no any further information)
21、 此1x20』G是下面所說貨物中的一部分. Said 1X20GP is part of below-mentioned shipment
22、 現在還沒開始放倉。Empty Pick-up is not started yet.
23、 發貨人安排明日裝貨Cargo would be stuffed tomorrow arranged by shipper
24、 發貨人急要入貨通知。Shipper eager to get the shipping order(S/O)
25、 此票貨物申請推遲航次 This shipment would be postponed to next voyage
26、 此票貨物趕不上這個航次 This shipment can not catch this voyage
27、 事情還沒有解決。It is not solved until now 28、 這票貨物是繼續走ZIM還是換船公司? Does this shipment keep on carrying by ZIM LINE or by other shipping lines?
29、 不知道客戶是否能接受MSC? We are not sure if the customer will accept MSC as carrying line 30、 此票貨物分單還沒電放,請不要放貨給收貨人 Original House Bill of lading for this shipment is not surrendered yet, please do not release the cargo to consignee


貨代用英語是:freight forwarding.

The intermediary, broker and transport organizer between the cargo owner and the carrier.



英 [freɪt]   美 [freɪt]  




英 [ˈfɔːwədə]   美 [ˈfɔrwərdər]  






2、IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge


3、SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge


4、YAS Yen Applica surcharge




6、CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge
