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國際貿易專業男女比例 2020-08-26 05:18:03
寧波外貿網站製作 2020-09-01 16:26:57
德驛全球購 2020-08-26 04:14:27


發布時間: 2023-05-23 07:47:42

1、匯率有變 英文怎麼講

as the change of exchange-rate between euro and dollar,our price has changed to USD5.00/Y









Note that the price changes with the exchange rate of Euro.



例如,一件價值100元人民幣的商品,如果人民幣對美元的匯率為0.1502(間接標價法),則這件商品在美國的價格就是15.02 美元。如果人民幣對美元匯率降到0.1429,也就是說美元升值,人民幣貶值,用更少的美元可買此商品,這件商品在美國的價格就是14.29美元。


The decpne in the latter was largely e to valuation changes
非美元存款下跌,主要受 匯價變動 影響。

The rise in the latter reflected in part valuation effects
非美元外幣存款上升,部分是受到 匯價變動 的影響。

The decpne in the latter was pkely a result of valuation changes
非美元存款下降,可能是受 匯價變動 所影響。

The decpne in the former was mainly e to valuation effects
非美元外幣存款下跌閉高旁,主轎橡要是受到 匯價變動 影響所致。

The rise in the latter was in part attributable to valuation effects
非美元外幣存款上升,部分原因是 匯價變動 的影響。

Valuation effects accounted for part of the increase in non - us dollar deposits
非美元外幣存款上升,部分是受到 匯價變動 的影響。

Valuation effects accounted for part of the increase in non - us dollar foreign currency deposits
非美元外幣存款增加,部分是受到 匯價變動 影響。

" the increase reflects mainly the valuation effect of foreign currency investments , " said a hkma spokesperson
金管局發言人表示:境外資產增加,主要是由於 匯價變動 ,使外幣投資的價值有所變動。

As such , the price of dongjiang water cannot be determined solely by the changes in price indices of the o places and movements in the exchange rate beeen hong kong dollar and renminbi
雙方經已同意應將這些議題與水價一並考慮。因此並不能夠單憑兩地的物價指數及 匯價變動 而訂定東江水水價。

Foreign assets , representing the external assets of the exchange fund , amounted to hk $ 654 . 9 bilpon . " the increase reflects mainly the valuation effect of foreign currency investments , " said a hkma spokesperson
金管局發言人表示:境外資產增加,主要是由於 匯價變動 ,使外幣投資的價值有念伍所變動。

The rise in the former reflected in part higher us dollar deposit interest rates pared with their hong kong dollar counterparts after the us interest rate hike at the end of june , while valuation effects accounted for part of the increase of the latter
美元存款上升,部分是由於月底美國加息,導致美元存款利率相對港元存款利率有所上升,而非美元外幣存款上升,則部分是受到 匯價變動 的影響。

In the negotiations on the price of water in recent years , we repeatedly and strongly urged the guangdong authority to lower the price of water , citing the relevant price indices of the o places and movements in the exchange rate beeen hong kong dollar and renminbi
在近年的水價商討中,香港政府基於粵港兩地的有關物價指數,以及港幣兌人民幣的 匯價變動 數據,屢次極力要求廣東省政府調低水價。

According to the 1989 water supply agreement , the prices of dongjiang water suppped to hong kong are to be determined each year through consultation beeen the governments of guangdong province and hong kong , and the adjustment range depends on the increase in operating costs , taking into account changes in relevant price indices of the o places , and the exchange rate beeen the hong kong dollar and renminbi
《 1989年供水協議》訂明,輸港東江水的水價由廣東省與香港兩地政府每年協商決定,調幅會根據運作費用的加幅,並考慮到粵港兩地的有關物價指數,以及港幣兌人民幣的 匯價變動 而決定。

According to the 1989 water supply agreement , the price of dongjiang water is determined through consultation beeen the governments of the o places . the adjustment range depends on the increase in operational costs and takes into account the relevant price indices of the o places and movements in the exchange rate beeen hong kong dollar and renminbi
(三)根據1989年的供水協議,東江水價格是由廣東省與香港兩地政府協商決定,調幅是根據運作費用的加幅,並考慮到粵港兩地的有關物價指數,以及港幣兌人民幣的 匯價變動 。

6、人民幣匯率變化 英文



[詞典] [經] exchange fluctuations; foreign exchange fluctuation;
We discover they have a relationship between the exchange rate fluctuation and the fluctuating price of real estate.

8、請高手翻譯一下 「由於外匯匯率波動.報價如有變化.恕不提前通知」 在線等 謝謝

Vue changement taux de change de devises, le changement des prix le cas échéant ne fera pas l'objet d'un préavis.